A couple sitting on a bed, their hands intertwined, sharing a moment of intimacy and connection.

Why Am I Sweating THERE? And Other Important Questions About Excessive Sweating

Aside from causing uncontrollable sweating from various parts of the body, hyperhidrosis can really put a damper on things-quite literally. Bad puns aside, if you believe you are suffering from hyperhidrosis, it might be time to have a conversation with your doctor.

We put together a few essential questions about hyperhidrosis to help you start the conversation.

A couple sitting on a bed, their hands intertwined, sharing a moment of intimacy and connection.

1: What are the different types of hyperhidrosis?

There are two major types of hyperhidrosis.


Primary focal hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that is not caused by another medical condition nor is a side effect of medications. The excessive sweating is specific to only individual areas of the body and is characterized as being symmetrical, meaning that it affects both sides of your body in the same way (both feet, both hands, both underarms, etc.).


The second type of hyperhidrosis is called Secondary Generalized Hyperhidrosis. This type of excessive sweating is caused by another medical condition or is a side effect of an existing medical condition. People with secondary hyperhidrosis experience sweating on larger areas of the body and may affect people while sleeping. Symptoms typically begin during adulthood, after beginning a new medication or after the onset of a different medical condition.In cases of secondary hyperhidrosis, additional testing may be needed to find the root cause of your excessive sweating.

2: What are the symptoms of hyperhidrosis?

Both primary focal hyperhidrosis and secondary hyperhidrosis manifest in similar ways. The most common signs of hyperhidrosis are sweaty hands and sweaty feet. Some people may experience the excessive sweating on multiple focal areas such as both hands and feet. In some cases, people also experience excessive sweating around the head and in underarm area. In more severe cases, sweating along the trunk and even in the pubic region were reported.

3: How can I find out if I have it?

Your doctor can use a variety of tests to determine if you have hyperhidrosis. The most popular tests include the Starch-Iodine test, paper testing, and of course, laboratory testing.

4: What are some treatment options?

Treatments for hyperhidrosis include oral medications, topical ointments, Botox injections and surgery. Some also believe that certain lifestyle changes in diet can help to alleviate the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

As an alternative, many are turning to a method known as iontophoresis, a noninvasive treatment that has been backed by scientific study.


Tap Water Iontophoresis uses a gentle current and the minerals found in tap water to create a plug in the pores of the skin. Tap Water Iontophoresis is especially effective for the treatment of sweaty hands, sweaty feet, and excessive sweating in the axilla (underarm area).

Image of the Fischer control unit next to the Fischer water bath trays. The Fischer is white with a blue screen lit up. The trays are white and the pH-balancing foam is blue and inside the trays.

5: Where can I find more resources for hyperhidrosis?

Both the Hyperhidrosis Network (HHN) and the International Hyperhidrosis Society (IHHS) provide valuable resources to those with Hyperhidrosis and their families. Their websites contain a wealth of information on hyperhidrosis, treatment options, and the newest science on hyperhidrosis.


IHHS offers information on treatment costs and getting insurance coverage for treatments. HHN has a forum where people can share their stories and information about support groups around the country.

"The Fischer Iontophoresis Device, a noninvasive treatment backed by scientific study, uses tap water to create a plug in the pores of the skin, offering hope for a sweat-free future."

Revolutionizing Treatment with Fischer Iontophoresis

If you suspect that hyperhidrosis is casting a shadow over your life, it’s crucial to start a conversation with your doctor. We’ve compiled essential questions about hyperhidrosis to assist you in this discussion. Discover the different types, recognize common symptoms, and explore the diagnostic methods available. From traditional treatments to innovative solutions like Ionotophoresis, including the cutting-edge Fischer Iontophoresis device, there are avenues to combat excessive sweating. Enhance your knowledge with resources from the Hyperhidrosis Network (HHN) and the International Hyperhidrosis Society (IHHS), offering valuable insights and a supportive community. Don’t let hyperhidrosis hold you back; take charge of your life and your confidence today.


Reach out today

Contact one of our Treatment Specialists today to answer any and all of your questions about the Fischer. 

Is the Fischer right for you?

Compared to narrow metal electrodes or compact iontophoresis options, the proportions of The Fischer’s water bath trays, pH-balancing foam inserts, and silicone-graphite electrodes conveniently accommodate simultaneous treatment of hands and feet without sacrificing effectiveness.

Our Fischer boasts a 98% success rate for patients! Reach out to a Treatment Specialist today to learn more and check your insurance coverage.

A young woman with brown hair standing at a table in a cozy-looking home. She is smiling and opening a box for RA Fischer Co.'s "The Fischer" iontophoresis device, made for treating hyperhidrosis (Excessive sweating).

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