Picture of a confident patient from RA Fischer smiling. There are two people in the background smiling

Living with PoP

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is a medical condition where pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterus, or rectum descend from their normal position, often causing discomfort and functional issues. This condition is most commonly seen in women and can occur due to a range of factors including childbirth, menopause, and aging. Pelvic pressure, urinary incontinence, and problems with bowel movements are some of the symptoms that individuals with POP may experience.

challenges for patients

One of the most significant challenges associated with POP is the impact on quality of life. Issues such as urinary incontinence or difficulty urinating can result in a substantial decrease in confidence and social activity. The sensation of pelvic heaviness or pressure often intensifies throughout the day, causing discomfort during physical activity. Sexual dysfunction is another issue that can strain relationships and impact self-esteem. Finally, bowel difficulties such as constipation or incomplete emptying can be equally distressing.
Picture of younger patients at prom type party dancing and enjoying themselves.
Missing out on experiences
Picture of five younger patients in school who may have hyperhidrosis or need to self-catheterize.
stressful social situations

Solution Recommendations

For those dealing with urinary issues related to POP, intermittent catheters can be a helpful solution. These are single-use catheters that you insert when you need to empty your bladder and then remove. Pre-lubricated catheters like the Cure Ultra are portable and ready to be used right out of the packaging. The low-friction experience during insertion and removal for those with sensitive bladders.